Villa Maria, Kalungu District
+256 706 553082

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In order to understand the history of St. Theresa Girls Secondary School Bwanda, one must know something about the religious community of the Daughters of Mary (Bannabikira). The late Bishop Henry Streicher and the late Mother Mechtilde both of whom belonged to the religious community of the Missionaries of Africa started the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary, (Bannabikira) in 1910.  Bishop Henry Streicher and Mother Mechtilde observed that the education system of Uganda at that time catered for mostly boys was more important than the education of girls. Many families believed that it was wastage of money to educate a girl, who was mainly expected to get married at 14 years of age.

The mind and belief of Bishop Streicher and Mother Mechtilde was the opposite of the above. They both believed that the education of the girl child was and is equally important.

For that reason, they both agreed to start a school to cater for the education of the girl child. The school was actually started in 1925 and it was given St. Theresa of Child Jesus as it patron.

It is important to note that St. Theresa as a school started as a Vernacular Teacher’s Training College for the Ugandan women. The young girls who completed the training would be teachers in primary schools. In the early 1940’s the school was turned into a primary Teacher’s Training College and a Junior Secondary School also opened in the same campus. In 1955, the Primary Teacher’s college was transferred to Nkozi and St. Theresa remained as a Junior Secondary School. Later, the Junior Secondary School was phased out like all Junior Schools in Uganda at the time; then St. Theresa became a Senior Secondary School.

Political Location:

St. Theresa Girl’s Secondary Schoo is located in Kalungu District. Its County is Kalungu and the Sub – county is Kalungu. Its further found in Kaliiro Parish

Church Location:

St. Theresa Girls Secondary School is located in the Diocese: Masaka. At the Deanery level it belongs to the Villa – Maria Deanery in Villa Maria Parish and administered under the Bwanda Convent Sub-Parish.

St. Theresa is totally private in a way that it is owned by the religious community of the Daughters of Mary (Bannabikiira Sisters). The school does not receive any aid from the Government of Uganda. Its major source of funding is the school fees paid by the parents.

The top person in the administration of the school is the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary (Bannabikiira Sisters).

The next in line is the Board of Governors, which is elected by the Mother General.  The Board of Governors is composed of 16 people (see the profile of Board members at the back of this copy). The Board has two committees, that is, the Finance Committee and the Academic and Disciplinary Committee. In addition to those two committees, the school has a Parents and Teachers Association (P.T.A). The chairperson of the P.T.A. Executive is a member of the Board.

The school holds one Annual General meeting of P.T.A while the other committees of the Board and the Board itself hold at least one meeting every Term. The headmistress is under the Boards and the Headmistress is assisted by 2 Deputies and 5 Heads of different departments.